The MERN stack is a javascript technology stack for full-stack web development consisting of four technologies: MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js. MERN as tech-stack enables smooth, fast and easy development and deployment of the software we build.
We develop custom applications for you using the MERN stack, according to your wishes. Your application can be everything related to the web. As our slogan already says:
"We build complex web applications".
From RESTful APIs, over E-Commerce solutions to platforms and (customer) portals, as well as distributed applications, we are sure that we can fully satisfy our customers needs.
Since the success and satisfaction of our customers needs is our hearts desire we've established some practices that worked out best for us and our customers in order to achieve our common goals
Fast MVP development
Flexible development with weekly meetups to react to customer wishes and change requests
Short development iterations
Comprehensive definition of the project-objectives
Search engine optimized websites (100% lighthouse warranty)
Secure, fast and modern user interface development with proven technologies
Setup of staging environments to demonstrate latest changes of development before they go live