Dockerization and Helmification





Dockerization and Helmification

When speaking about Cloud-Computing, DevOps or modern agile software development nowadays it is hard to avoid the concepts of containerized applications or Infrastructure as Code (IaC). There are various tools that address those concepts and help developers to face the challenges in the rapidly changing world of development - two of them are Docker and Helm.

Since Docker and Helm can be considered state-of-the-art and industry-standard, we are happy to proudly offer different services related to these two technologies like containerization, software-distribution, preparation, guidance and consulting for customers that want to adopt to cloud-native development. Other services that we can offer include implementation of cloud-native applications, environments and infrastructure.

Benefits for our customers

Since we work with these technologies since our very beginning we can provide a lot of expertise, knowledge and improvement-solutions for our customers. Some benefits that customers can experience when partnering with us are:

  • faster build times and reduced size with optimized docker images
  • reduced pipeline duration (up to 80-90% faster GitLab CI pipelines)
  • scalable application(s) and infrastructure
    • cloud-native development methodologies
    • infrastructure installation/setup

Our Customers


The following list shows different services that we can offer for our customers.

  • Dockerization of software application(s)

  • Development of dockerized or cloud-native ready software/application solutions

  • Integration of Software into pre-existing Kubernetes-Cluster(s)

  • Setup/Hosting of Kubernetes Cluster(s)

  • Automation of Development/CI Processes

  • Development of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) solutions

  • Setup of containerized development environments

Dockerization and Helmification

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